Archive for September 6th, 2006


Wednesday, September 6th, 2006


《Gallas ‘issued own-goal threat’》 -《加拉乌龙球的威胁》 … chelsea/5314292.stm



“The issue was purely one of money, …. that he wanted a new challenge….These were just a smokescreen to cover up the fact he was hawking himself to the highest bidder. ”
“这整个事件(加拉离去)都是为了钱,…… 他说他希望新的挑战… 只是用来掩藏他希望得到更多报酬的烟雾弹”
“He went on to threaten that if he was forced to play, or if he was disciplined and financially punished for his breach of the rules, that he could score an own goal or get himself sent off, or make deliberate mistakes. “

“He also failed to recognise the role Jose Mourinho and Chelsea played in helping him become a double Premiership champion for a player whose only league title prior to that had been in the French Second Division.”


“I never said that I would score own goals if I had to play for Chelsea again… I was firm about my wanting to leave, that is true, and I will explain in due time why I wanted to…“
“我对这种说法感到震惊!…我从来没有说过,如果必须为切尔西上场的话,我会踢乌龙球 … 离开切尔西,我的确是下定了决心,在适当的时候我会解释为什么会如此…”

见到这个切尔西俱乐部的这个声明后,我想加拉也用不着“在适当的时候”再给大家解释为什么要离开了,绝大多数英超球员和球迷们对他的离开现在已经有了充分的理解!让人震惊的是,一个冠军俱乐部,居然会做出如此低下的举动,难道世界顶级联赛 – 英超已经堕落到如此没有风度(classless )”?





《Wenger welcomes new boy Gallas, says farewell to Cole》-《温格欢迎新人加拉,并向科尔道别》

Manager, Arsène Wenger said: “We welcome William to the Club while saying goodbye to Ashley Cole, a player that has given a lot for us over a number of years….“,
“Upon Ashley’s departure I would like to thank him on behalf of the team and everyone connected with the Club for his contribution to our success over recent years, Ashley has always played with his heart for Arsenal. “

“I remember giving him his debut nearly seven years ago and he grabbed the opportunity. He had a strong desire to succeed and ultimately it was that determination that sees him leave this Club. Ashley has grown up with Arsenal and given time, will hopefully appreciate what the Club has given him. I feel the future is bright for this team and look forward to seeing it challenge for honours.”

要知道,教授谈话中的那位科尔,就是违法私会切尔西的那个科尔; 就是因私会而被英足总施与惩罚的那位科尔; 就是在此之后,拒不认错,誓与阿森纳俱乐部对簿公堂到底的那个科尔; 也就是从此以后,对俱乐部管理层怨言不断,并写书立著指责阿森纳对他不仁不义的那个科尔!
