Archive for June 17th, 2006


Saturday, June 17th, 2006

荷兰 2-1 象牙海岸






在这篇文字之后,我看到了一位叫 TRACY 的美眉的留言:

世界杯,让世界变小.世界杯,让我们的心更大. “



世界杯非洲的5支队伍中,象牙海岸最被看好!象牙海岸也是枪迷们最关心的一支队伍,因为我们的图雷和埃布伊 – 逐渐被公认为世界足球舞台上最优秀的年轻后卫们!











1)”After the prolonged drought, the rains are finally here and money is also flowing around. I’ve made good profits in the last several weeks. I even managed to buy a small colour TV in time for the World Cup.”


2)Despite the drought of African victories on Germany’s pitches, some bloggers have taken heart from Africa’s spirited play on the field, especially Togo’s opening goal against South Korea.
“What a screamer of a shot it was… a brilliant goal,” writes Soul on Ice.

“那是一个怎样的怒吼啊…一个辉煌的进球!” 博客“冰上的灵魂”写道。

3)But for Muhammad Karim it is the more serious subject of football and racism that gets attention in his posting “Soccer doesn’t care about Black People”.

“If you’re not white, stay away from small towns,” is his advice to fans in The Front Line blog.

Racism in the beautiful game is also pondered on Jay’s Idle Notes Rambling Thoughts From Sunny Kampala.
“I will almost always support a team that is fully or majority black against a team that is not. Does that make me racist?” asks Jay.
“I guess it does in a way.”

但对Muhammad Karim来说,他博客的一个帖子中谈到的却是非常严肃的足球和种族歧视的问题:“足球不关心黑人”“如果你不是白人的话,请避免去那些小城镇”这是他在他的博客上对球迷们的告诫。


4)Elisabeth Divis, a school teacher blogging from South Korea, addressed stereotypes with her students during a lesson about Togo after their defeat by South Korea.
“When I show my students where Togo is by chalking in its slim shape on the world map painted onto my classroom chalkboard, they all ooh and aww about how small it is. ‘Smaller than Korea!’ they say, rather enthusiastically.
“When I ask them what they know about Togo, they say not much, ‘dark skin’, ‘poor’, ‘tall’, and ‘ugly’. When I asked one class what language Togolese people speak, I got ‘African’ in response. ‘Yes, and you speak Asian fluently.'”

Elisabeth Divis,是一个南韩的老师,在她的博客上,她讲到了在课堂上与学生们讨论多哥输给南韩的那场比赛。“当我在地图上指出多哥在哪里时,学生们发出了ooh 和 aww的惊叹,‘那么小,比韩国还小’,他们对此并不是很热情。”

“当我问关于多哥他们知道些什么时,他们说知道的不多,‘黑皮肤’,‘穷’,‘高大’还有‘长得很丑’? 当我问另一班同学,多哥人说什么语言时,我得到的回答居然是‘非洲话’!是啊,你们大家都说很流利的‘亚洲话’!”

5)For Emily, blogging on The (wish I was in) Ghana Journal, it is not yet over for Ghana – despite losing their first match to Italy.
“When Ghana qualified for the World Cup a gigantic street party broke out in the middle of Osu, my old neighbourhood. I was having dinner with the JHR crew and we stumbled on the street party and joined in to the dancing.
“The Black Stars gave me two of my favourite memories from my time there so I will be cheering until they’re back on the plane.”



6)Nkem Ifejika, writing his blog from the tournament, sees the unifying force of the game.

TRAE says he’s into hip hop, soccer and is a “fun loving intellectual”
“Football is a religion, the stadium is the temple, and the fans are the worshippers. There is no other way to explain what happens when people gather in one place in the name of football.”

Nkem Ifejika在他的博客上谈到了足球是一种宗教,是一种将人们团结在一起的力量!他写道:“足球是一种宗教,球场是庙宇,球迷是信徒。除此之外,对人们以足球的名义,聚集在一起时所发生的一切,没有更好的解释!”
