


http://swissramble.blogspot.com/ … ransfer-budget.html

Perhaps the best starting point for an analysis of Arsenal’s transfer fund is the actual cash balance, which was £110 million in the last published accounts (as at 30 November 2010). …”

That’s absolutely correct, but if we look at Arsenal’s cash balances over the last few years, it is clear that the trend has been upwards, rising from £53 million in November 2006 to £110 million in November 2010. ……

In other words, Arsenal’s executive hierarchy might be accused of being a little conservative here, though they do have to maintain £23 million as debt service reserves for the stadium financing, which would mean a net balance of £87 million.

In fact, Arsenal’s ability to generate free cash flow has been very impressive, considering that: (1) most of the cash for the commercial deals with Nike and Emirates was paid upfront; (2) they have also managed to repay all the property debt incurred for the Highbury Square property development (just under £140 million).
实际上,阿森纳的流动资金的储备做得相当出色,考虑到:(1)大部分耐克和酋长的commercial deals都是预付;(2)他们也已经付清了海布里房地产开发的所有贷款(稍低于1.4亿英镑)

2 Responses to “阿森纳转会中存在的主要问题,并不是因为没有钱”

  1. yeahning says:


  2. asn14 says:


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