引狼入室 – 英国前驻乌兹别克大使克莱格-默里的博客


作为英国的驻乌兹别克斯坦大使时,敢于直言的克莱格 – 墨里(Craig Murray)帮助揭露了乌兹别克斯坦总统伊斯兰•卡里莫夫(Islam Karimov)政权对人权的亵渎。现在他是针对这一地区的政策的西方最有权威的批评家。

克莱格 -默里称卡里莫夫的政权「将人们活活煮死」,联合国也批评乌兹别克的司法系统的腐败。但美国总统布什与卡里莫夫为挚友及盟友,因为乌兹别克符合美国在“反恐战争”上的军事战略意义,因此美国对卡里莫夫的滥权很少批评。

September 3, 2007



I have been delighted by the reaction of Arsenal fans – the large majority seem not to want Usmanov’s money, and juging by yesterday’s performance they don’t need it.

我对阿森纳球迷们的反应感到非常高兴 -看来绝大多数球迷都不希望要乌斯马诺夫的钱,根据昨天的表现(译者注:指阿森纳 3:1 朴玆茅斯的比赛),他们也不需要这个钱。


I am most happy to give evidence to the Premier League if anyone can point me in the right direction. But I rather hope Usmanov’s hyperactive and expensive lawyers will sue me for libel. Questioning Usmanov in a British court would bring a much fairer result than anything I expect from our tainted football authorities.

September 2, 2007

Alisher Usmanov, potential Arsenal chairman, is a Vicious Thug, Criminal, Racketeer, Heroin Trafficker and Accused Rapist
可能成为阿森纳主席的爱利舍 – 乌斯马诺夫(Alisher Usmanov),是一个凶残的暴徒,罪犯,诈骗犯,毒贩子,被控的强奸犯

I thought I should make my views on Alisher Usmanov quite plain to you. You are unlikely to see much plain talking on Usmanov elsewhere in the media becuase he has already used his billions and his lawyers in a pre-emptive strike. They have written to all major UK newspapers, including the latter:
我想我已经应该向你们清楚地表明我对爱利舍 – 乌斯马诺夫的看法。你们不太可能在其他媒体看到对他的更真实的评价,因为他已经用他的钱财和律师先发制人。他们向英国所有大报都写了信,包括最近的一些内容:

“Mr Usmanov was imprisoned for various offences under the old Soviet regime. We wish to make it clear our client did not commit any of the offences with which he was charged. He was fully pardoned after President Mikhail Gorbachev took office. All references to these matters have now been expunged from police records . . . Mr Usmanov does not have any criminal record.”

Let me make it quite clear that Alisher Usmanov is a criminal. He was in no sense a political prisoner, but a gangster and racketeer who rightly did six years in jail. The lawyers cunningly evoke “Gorbachev”, a name respected in the West, to make us think that justice prevailed. That is completely untrue.
但让我明确告诉你们,爱利舍 – 乌斯马诺夫就是一个罪犯。他绝不是一个政治犯,而是一个歹徒和敲诈勒索犯,罪有应得地在监狱里蹲了6年。他的律师们狡猾地打出了“戈尔巴乔夫”这个招牌,这一个被西方世界尊重的名字,以期让我们误认为是正义获胜。这完全是虚假的。

Usmanov’s pardon was nothing to do with Gorbachev. It was achieved through the growing autonomy of another thug, President Karimov, at first President of the Uzbek Soviet Socilist Republic and from 1991 President of Uzbekistan. Karimov ordered the “Pardon” because of his alliance with Usmanov’s mentor, Uzbek mafia boss and major international heroin overlord Gafur Rakimov. Far from being on Gorbachev’s side, Karimov was one of the Politburo hardliners who had Gorbachev arrested in the attempted coup that was thwarted by Yeltsin standing on the tanks outside the White House.
乌斯马诺夫的大赦与戈尔巴乔夫没有一点关系。能被大赦是通过另一位新崛起的家伙,乌兹别克的第一任总统和1991年后乌兹别克斯坦的总统伊斯兰•卡里莫夫(Islam Karimov)。卡里莫夫命令大赦,是因为他与乌斯马诺夫的教父,乌兹别克黑社会头子,国际最主要的毒贩子之一Gafur Rakimov的关系。和戈尔巴乔夫站在对立面的卡里莫夫是苏共强硬派,曾将戈尔巴乔夫拘留,企图政变,但后来被站在白宫外面坦克上的叶利钦阻止。

Usmanov is just a criminal whose gangster connections with one of the World’s most corrupt regimes got him out of jail. He then plunged into the “privatisation” process at a time when gangster muscle was used to secure physical control of assets, and the alliance between the Russian Mafia and Russian security services was being formed.



乌斯马诺夫如何用8,800万元,贿赂卡里莫夫的女儿Gulnara Karimova,霸占了俄罗斯国家的天然气资源;


而一家主要经济报纸的资深通讯记者伊万- 萨夫琅诺夫(Ivan Safronov),又是如何在这家报纸被乌斯马诺夫控制后的三个月时,神秘地从楼上窗户中跌下身亡;



对乌兹马诺夫的这些恶迹以及因此入狱的在经济上敲诈勒索的其他犯罪事实,博客的主人,这位前外交官在他出版的《Murder in Samarkand- 萨马尔罕州的谋杀》一书中均有详述。



Sadly, I expect the football authorities will be as purblind. Football now is about nothing but money, and even Arsenal supporters – as tight-knit and homespun a football community as any – can be heard saying they don’t care where the money comes from as long as they can compete with Chelsea.
可叹的是,我估计足球当局也会和我们的大使馆一样愚钝和半盲。足球现在只是意味着金钱,甚至阿森纳的支持者 – 一个比任何团体都团结的足球社区中- 也会听到他们不在乎钱是从哪里来的,只要能跟切尔西相比就行。

I fear that is very wrong. Letting as diseased a figure as Alisher Usmanov into your club can only do harm in the long term.
我担心这将会很糟糕。让一个像爱利舍- 乌斯马诺夫这样的不健康的人物进入你们的俱乐部,无异于引狼入室,后患无穷

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